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Ever since Lily died two years ago, Evie has been lost. She exists but doesn’t live, and she copes the only way she knows how: by wrecking things.
She exposes her dad’s affairs, ends things with her longtime boyfriend, and just last semester she destroyed her music scholarship. Desperate to break away from all the destruction she’s caused and start over, Evie reinvents herself at her new university.
But then Rhys, her new voice instructor, happens. He’s gorgeous, insanely talented and a part of the dark past she’s trying to overcome. Rhys’s brother is the reason why Evie's life is such a mess right now, the reason why Lily, Evie's sister, is dead. Even though Rhys is the last person Evie should ever want, for the first time in two years, wrecking things seems…right.

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Second Verse
The first glance into Emily Snow's next book...
Release Date TBD
“Your sister is insane,” I said, shooting a glance across the parking lot at Hazel, who returned the gesture with her trademark icy green glare. What the hell was her problem with me? Leaning back on the bench, I tilted my head to the side and narrowed my eyes to match her expression. “I swear, she makes Cersei look tame.”
Emmett arched his brows and lowered his gaze. I tilted my face up, swallowing hard when our eyes met. “Who the hell is that?” he drawled, a smile teasing the corners of his full lips. “Well don’t just sit there lookin’ all sneaky, Kinsey, who is it?”
I wasn’t looking sneaky. I was looking at him. At the tiny bump on the bridge of his nose. The shadow on his chin from not shaving this morning—he should never shave, ever. At his eyes. Green like his sister’s, but so different they made it hard for me to breathe because his eyes were everything.
I was looking at him and that was just as bad as looking sneaky, because I wanted things with him I couldn’t explain.
Sliding off the bench, I shoved my hands into the back pocket of my cutoffs and looked over my shoulder. I almost expected the bronze face under all that curly brown hair to go up in flames when I caught him staring at my ass, but he simply grinned. He wanted me to know he was watching me, wanting me, and the knot in the pit of my stomach tugged even tighter.
We’re friends, I reminded myself. He’s nineteen and won’t give my ass another thought after the summer, and besides, his grandmother has done way too much to help me for me to screw myself over by getting involved with him.
But when he stood, pressing his tall, built body close to mine to whisper in my ear, “You gonna answer me, gorgeous?” and I breathed in his scent, it was hard to stick to my guns.
No wonder everyone said he was going to be a star.
One word. One softly whispered word, and I was starstruck.
I held my breath. Released. Repeated. “She’s a … book character. Epic fantasy,” I murmured at last. I took a step away from him and forced a laugh. “She’s like the queen of all messed up siblings. If they ever bring her to the big screen, maybe your crazy sister can play her.”
Soundtrack: "Bottoms Up" by Brantley Gilbert (Can you guess what genre of music my hero performs?!)
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Little Rock Book Jam
July 11th, 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Facebook Page | Buy Tickets | Hotel Info
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Wicked Mafia Gets Lei'd
August 1st, 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Website | Facebook Page | Buy Tickets | Hotel Info
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That's Novel will be Interviewing Emily Snow on the Radio
June 24h at 8:00 PM EST
Call in an listen, or subscribe to the channel and hang out in the chat room!
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