Thursday, March 31, 2016

Clarity by Barbara Speak *Release*


Left with a decision she never thought she would have to face, Sadie Warren knows someone's heart will be broken, and no matter the outcome, a piece of her own heart will break as well. Both men have shown her a different side to love, but to find true solace she must make the ultimate sacrifice and walk away from the man who promised her the world. But will her heart lead her down the right path, or will regret consume her with what could have been?


LOST (Finding Solace Book One $.99

TORN (Finding Solace Book Two)

CLARITY (Finding Solace Book Three)

Ash got up from the porch and walked over to my car. When I didn’t move, he opened the door.  He crouched down so that we were eye level and said, "You can come into the firehouse, but you can't get out of your car?" "I can. I just don't want to.”"So that's how you’re going to do this?”"No. I went to the firehouse to talk to you. I was asked to leave before I got the chance, by you. Forgive me if I have some reserve in me."  "If this is really how you want this, then fine." I had no idea what he was going to do. He stood, paused for a moment and then closed my door again. He walked toward the back and my heart fell as I thought he was leaving. But then he was at my passenger door, opening it up and taking a seat. "Talk." "Don't be mean to me." "Don't be mean to you? Sadie, do you want me to kiss your ass while you break my heart. That is never going to happen. I love you so much. I will always love you. But our love was just getting started. Thank God, this didn't happen later. I feel like my heart has been cut out already. I can’t imagine how much more painful this could be. I understand, Sadie. I always knew there was something between you two. I begged you to deal with all of that before I fell for you, to avoid all this. Why couldn't you do that? Why would you let me fall so hard, when you knew you could leave me someday if he showed up and said the right thing?" "Are you done?" I waited for him to respond but he didn't. "Do you want me anymore after all of that? Could you still be with me knowing I came into this without truly wrapping all of that up like you asked? Could you even respect me knowing that as my love grew for you there was still part of my heart that was his all along?"

Author Barbara Speak loves nothing more than being allowed to share her ideas and thoughts through books that so many enjoy. When she's not writing she's caring for her son and daughter along side her amazing husband in rural Missouri. She has 5 more babies but these are covered in fur. Bode the boxer, Tucker the beagle and Lily, Callie and Connor her kitties.


Kindred Salvation by L.J. Sealey *Reveal*

Title: Kindred Salvation
Series: Divine Hunter #3
Author: L.J. Sealey
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release: TBC


Against her better judgement, Lacy Holloway isgetting used to her life with Michael, but falling deeper in love with him isonly bringing more uncertainty about their future together. And then there'sthe other little problem: God only knows why her dead sister is still hangingaround, but she is secretly glad. Living with the man she loves, and havingBeth back in her life, Lacy is hiding her concerns behind the normal life sheso desperately craves.
Things have been quiet in Oakland, but calm wasn'tusually on Michael's radar, and for good reason. Now the dead are stirring andwhen Michael and Jaret discover a mass grave in Cincinnati they suspect Vareshhas returned.

Their suspicions are heightened the moment Michaelcomes face to face with a past he knows very little about, and that past comeswith some shocking news. Overwhelmed by what he's learned, and desperate tostop his evil enemy, Michael finds himself on the hunt for a woman who iscloser to him than he could have ever imagined. But if Hell finds her first,the repercussions will be devastating, not just for Michael, but for the wholeof mankind

Who will get to her first? Angel or demon?


Other books by L.J. Sealey:
• Awaken (Divine Hunter #1) is currently *FREE* on eBook.
• Dark Deliverance (Divine Hunter #2) 

• Evo -A Divine Hunter World Novel (Divine Hunter #2.5) *Can be read as a standalone*


All books are available in eBook and Paperback

About The Author

L.J. Sealey was born and raised in a little Welsh town by the sea. It rains a lot, so she often has a great excuse to sit at her writing desk and while away the hours at her laptop.

She still lives in N.Wales and when she’s not travelling around the country working with her husband –who is a professional singer –or singing backup vocals herself, she likes to read and watch her favourite TV shows which normally includes plenty of CSI, The Vampire Diaries and endless amounts of sitcoms. Being addicted to reading about vampires, demons, shifters and angels, she has always had a thing for all things paranormal and is a big sucker for impossible love stories. So it was inevitable that when she started writing herself she would mix the two together.

Stalker Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads | Google+

The Sound of You by Annie Hughes *ReleaseBlitz*

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Title: The Sound of You
Series: Sound #1
Author: Annie Hughes
Release Date: March 31st, 2016.
Universal Link:

Hallie Clarke has been through the rumor mill so many times that she barely feels the sting of the lies anymore. With her impenetrable walls steady and in place, she leaves her infamous high school days behind and sets off for University of Michigan, with only her beat up, old guitar for company. Determined not to repeat past mistakes, Hallie vows to live her life differently and free from the rumors that can destroy a person so easily.
Or so she thinks.
It isn’t long before she attracts the attention of her too hot to handle neighbor, Nate Harris. She tries to fight her intense attraction to him, but with his sweet words and chiseled abs, her walls of ice begin to crumble around her. Hallie soon finds herself opening up to Nate, letting him into her world of music, and sharing secrets she swore she’d take to the grave.
The hot new romance causes more than a few heads to turn on campus, and old rumors begin to surface, threatening to pull them apart. Their connection is strong, but will it be enough to hold them together when the rumors take a dangerous turn?
Or will Hallie be left to fight it all alone?

About the Author:
Annie Hughes has been writing since she was a little girl, never leaving the house without a notebook. As a corporate stooge and single mother, she spends all of her free time reading, writing and drinking too much coffee (wine). Annie has a strong passion for the literary world and before writing her book, spent all of her time reviewing others. She also enjoys talking with all that read her book(s), her philosophy being that readers and authors are all part of the same world - a world where they are all enthusiastic about words.

Follow Annie
Twitter: @AnnieBean_xo
Instagram: @AnnieBean91

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

House Hunt by Jackie Keswick *Blitz & Giveaway*

House Hunt Blitz Banner
HOUSE HUNT by: Jackie Keswick The Power of Zero, #3 Publication Date: March 30, 2016 Genre: Adult, MM Romance, Romantic Suspense House Hunt Cover

Purchase: Amazon | Amazon PRINT | B&N | Kobo | ARe | Dreamspinner Ebook | Dreamspinner PRINT

Synopsis: Jack Horwood hates owing favors. But when a simple day out to treat Gareth to the best oysters in England leads to a discovery of drugs and counterfeit money—things that neither Jack nor Gareth have the jurisdiction to handle—he has to call in help. Help that doesn’t come cheap, and that forces him to do something he promised himself he’d never do again—walk away from Gareth and the family he’s starting to make for himself.
Three months undercover is a long time. After missing Gareth’s birthday, Jack is determined not to miss their first anniversary. But coming home and being home are two very different things. So when he is asked to assist with a corporate espionage investigation, Jack can’t say no, despite knowing it will impact his already straining relationship. Except, of course, he’s walking into a trap…. goodreads-badge-add-38px


When the car’s growling engine stopped, Gareth found himself surrounded by woods in a corner of the Weald he’d never been to before. The small car park was deserted except for a handful of cars, and Gareth heard only birdsong, the rustle of the breeze in the trees, and the faraway drone of a plane. They hadn’t passed any villages or farms during the last leg of their drive, and nothing around him hinted at human habitation. The car park didn’t even have a sign. “You know where we are, right?” “Would you believe me if I said we’re eight miles from Canterbury?” It was hard to imagine that a city full of tourists, bars, and shops was in hiking distance of this deserted corner of Kent. The air held the bitter, musty scents of pine and damp leaves and—barely detectable—the savory smell of mushrooms. Most of the oak and beech trees surrounding the small, graveled car park were just starting to unfurl their leaves, giving the afternoon sun almost unhindered access. Jack unlocked the boot, ready to get out of the car and retrieve the TVR’s roof. Before he could move, Gareth wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him closer until the center console got in the way. Jack didn’t fight. He braced his elbows on magnolia leather and leaned across the barrier into Gareth’s touch. Their kiss was slow and languid, more teasing than enticing. “Really not the car for that,” Gareth commented when he leaned back to put space between them. “Though I could imagine spreading you across that bonnet.” “Yeah, let’s scandalize the locals,” Jack agreed and popped the doors. It was the third time and Gareth still hadn’t figured out how it was done. Not that he’d been paying particular attention to the TVR’s doors. Though now that he’d started thinking about the acres of bonnet, he could see that the car had potential. He turned to look for Jack, but despite having opened the boot, he wasn’t anywhere close to the car. He stood in the center of the car park, staring at a beat-up green Rover. “What’s the matter?” “Not sure.” Jack’s voice was distant. “Thing gives me the creeps.” “How?” Gareth couldn’t see anything that might have set off Jack’s warning bells. The N-plated Rover 400 showed every one of its seventeen years of hard work. Flaking paint marred the sides, hinting at rust-eaten bodywork, and one of the car’s wings had been replaced with one of a slightly different green. It wasn’t a car that invited a second look from anyone, but somehow it had immediately drawn Jack’s attention. “Jack?” He stared a moment longer before he shrugged and turned back to Gareth. “I don’t know,” he said, sounding apologetic. “Probably nothing at all. Fancy a walk?” “Since that’s what we came here for….” Gareth wanted to reach for Jack, whether to distract him or shake him hard enough to rattle some sense back into that busy brain of his, he couldn’t have said. “Was there anywhere in particular you wanted to go?” “Just… around,” Jack said as he found a narrow path that led into the surrounding woods. “Liar. And crappy at it, too. How’d you ever make it as a spook?” Gareth had merely meant to tease, but a dark flush crept up Jack’s neck, and he hunched forward. “I wasn’t that kind of spook,” he mumbled when Gareth caught up with him. “No?” Gareth wrapped his arm around Jack’s shoulders and felt him flinch at the contact. Jack was suddenly so tightly wound he was close to taking off. And that wasn’t something Gareth wanted to deal with right then. He cast around for something, anything, that could serve as a distraction. “So, what’s going on with you and that Dave character?” he settled on, glad when Jack’s head shot up and he stared, caught out. “Nothing’s going on. He’s straight.” “Bullshit. He was all over you.” The vehemence in Gareth’s tone brought Jack’s head around. The frown dissolved and the smirk appeared. “That jealousy I’m hearing, Flynn?” Gareth felt the rush of heat in his neck sweep up the sides of his face. He held Jack’s disbelieving gaze regardless. “Would you blame me?”


Job Hunt Book #1 Cover
JOB HUNT by Jackie Keswick The Power of Zero #1 Publication Date: May 13, 2015 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBT, M/M, Romance, Suspense

BUY: AmazonAmazon PRINTB&NKOBOiBooksAReDreamspinner Press

Synopsis: You don’t greet your new boss dressed like an underage rent boy. But when Jack Horwood—ace hacker and ex-MI6 operative—opens the door to Gareth Flynn, he's too busy to worry over details like that. And anyway, his potential new boss is his former Commanding Officer – the same guy Jack has had a crush on since he was seventeen. So he should understand, right?
When he applied for the job in Nancarrow Mining's corporate security division, Jack had hoped for peaceful days repelling cyber attacks. Maybe a bit of corporate espionage on the side. His plans didn't include rescuing abused children, hunting pimps, or dealing with his overly protective and hot-as-hell boss, Gareth Flynn. Walking away is not an option. Jack never takes the easy way out. More than that, meeting Gareth raises old ghosts that Jack needs to put to rest. Rescuing kids. Taking risks. Saving the day. Jack can do all that – but deciding what to do about his attraction to Gareth isn’t the sort of cloak-and-dagger game Jack plays well. Yet Gareth, strong and smart and always on hand when needed, might be Jack’s salvation. goodreads-badge-add-38px Ghosts Book #2 Cover
GHOSTS by Jackie Keswick The Power of Zero #2 Publication Date: February 10, 2016 Genres: Adult,Contemporary, LGBT, M/M, Novella, Romance, Suspense

BUY: AmazonB&NKOBOiBooksAReDreamspinner Press

Synopsis: Jack Horwood doesn’t do families. Or Christmas. From the time his mother sold him to her pimp to the moment he walked out on the man he loved, Christmas has always been about change and painful choices. This year seems no different. Helping Daniel and Nico recover from their imprisonment and hunting down those responsible puts Jack in a frame of mind he doesn’t want to inflict on anyone. Least of all Gareth and the tentative relationship they’ve started to rebuild.
But Gareth, for whom Christmas is all about new beginnings, won’t let Jack take the easy way out. He makes him face his ghosts instead. Even when said ghosts invade their bedroom. When Daniel’s parents are found, Jack is determined to settle the matter without involving Daniel at all. But fate decrees otherwise, and it’s Gareth who helps him finally understand that the strongest bonds are those forged together. Once he gets that, Jack can step up and make a decision designed to lay his ghosts to rest—for good. goodreads-badge-add-38px


Jackie Keswick Jackie Keswick was born behind the Iron Curtain with itchy feet, a bent for rocks and a recurrent dream of stepping off a bus in the middle of nowhere to go home. She’s worked in a hospital and as the only girl with 52 men on an oil rig, spent a winter in Moscow and a summer in Iceland and finally settled in the country of her dreams with her dream team: a husband, a cat, a tandem, a hammer and a laptop. Jackie loves stories about unexpected reunions and second chances, and men who don’t follow the rules when those rules are stupid. She has a thing for green eyes and tight cyclist’s butts and is a great believer in making up soundtracks for everything, including her characters and the cat. And she still hasn’t found the place where the bus stops.


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Unseen Messages by Pepper Winters *NOW LIVE*

From New York Times Bestseller Pepper Winters comes a timeless love story answering the question of what happens when everything is stripped away. UNSEEN MESSAGES COVER "There is a message for everything. From handwritten to verbal, seen and unseen. Messages exist all around us." But what if you don't see? What if you don't understand? What if, by ignoring the message, your life is never the same again? Estelle Evermore morphed from nobody to somebody overnight. Galloway Oak put his past behind him and endeavored to make his fortune using his trade. Two strangers. One plane. Multiple unseen messages. From sky to island, they find neither fame nor skills can save them. Stripped from society and left alone to survive the elements, the very task of staying alive outweighs all other needs. Until survival turns to desire. And desire turns to danger.
Unseen Messages Full wrap
Unseen Messages Teaser
Unseen Messages Teaser 1
About Pepper Winters:
Pepper Winters is a NYT and USA Today International Bestseller. She wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex. She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. She's also honoured to wear the IndieReader Badge for being a Top 10 Indie Bestsellers, best BDSM series voted by the SmutClub, and recently signed a two book deal with Grand Central. Her books are currently being translated into numerous languages and will be in bookstores in the near future. To be the first to know of upcoming releases, please join Pepper's Newsletter (she promises never to spam or annoy you.) NEWSLETTER: Or follow her on her website She loves mail of any kind: You can stalk her here: Pinterest/Pepperwinters Facebook Pepper Winters Twitter @pepperwinters Blog

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dodging Trains by Sunniva Dee *Blitz*Giveaway*

Dodging Trains
Sunniva Dee
Publication date: March 29th 2016
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
I was twelve when a stranger at a train station taught me the meaning of ugly. He forced himself on me and threatened to kill my family if I told.
I stayed silent and the ugliness grew.
Now, that word rolls in film clips through my mind. All I’ve done since my best friend, Keyon Arias, left town is cement how ugly I am. Ugly on the inside—deep down to my core. On the outside… I am a Vixen. I flash men a smile and make them moan out pleasure I control.
Not them. Never them.
After five years of being away, my beautiful boy has come back to town for his father’s masquerade ball. He’s different. Hard muscle supersedes the skin and bone of his once boyish frame. One thing hasn’t changed though: the murderous look in his eyes when he slaughters his opponents. In the ring, I see the bullied boy, all grown up, dominating in ways he couldn’t in high school.
He’s the mayor’s son. The rising MMA fighter. The beautiful one.
I’m not the Paislee Cain of before, not the sweet girl he once knew, the one who chased away his bullies. I’m the town slut. The dirty girl whose shame will never fade no matter how many men I use. He’d disown what I’ve become.
Because beautiful can never love ugly.
DT weight cut teaser
I’ve been on a one-track rail to landing Paislee in my bed since she got off the plane. Not that it’s been planned, but I convinced her that Pizza Pazza in Tampa is better than Mamma Lucia’s in Calceth. I told her about Simon during dinner, one thing led to another, and here I am unlocking the door to my duplex and letting her enter first.
She hasn’t commented on how we took my car from her hotel, how she’s basically dependent on me and my whims. But hey, I’m fucked too; it wasn’t my choice to have someone fill my head, and I didn’t ask that person to come to Florida.
We haven’t talked about tomorrow’s schedule, but I’m going to the rich dude’s house with her. He could be a total freak for all I know, so she’s not facing him alone.
“Oooh,” she whispers through a reverent puff of air like she’s never seen a cat before. Simon’s playing it up too, slinking around the corner with all the grace in the universe, stroking the doorjamb with a hip before he meanders over to us. “He’s soooo beautiful.”
“He’s just a regular old black street cat,” I say, but by the wink she shoots me, she doesn’t buy it. She read me back when too. “’Kay, fine: Simon’s awesome. Straight up the best pelt ever.”
“Pelt? You ass,” she giggles as she pets him from the top of his head and down the length of his body to his tail. Simon lifts it, happy. Any minute now, he’ll crank the volume on his purr-machine.
“Wow, he purrs loud.”
And there. For a cat, he’s being unexpectedly predictable.
“He loves the ladies,” I say, which makes her giggle more. I love to make her giggle. When she stands up again, I pull her in with one arm, fingers splayed across her spine. Firm breasts press against me, and I groan a little.
She puffs another laugh, all Simon’s fault. He’s gotten to the part of the agenda where he’s going to cramp my style. His purrs reach us from the floor, and he’s scissoring in and out between both of our legs.
“Never mind him. Look at me,” I whisper. Let my thumb and forefinger slide over her chin. The amusement recedes from her eyes when she sees that I mean business. I’m hardening. She yelps. Then she laughs out loud.
“Simon, quit it!” I say, exasperated, and bend to unhook his claws from the fabric over her knees. “I’m sorry. You see how it is now, right?
Simon’s the ass in this house. I should sell him to the highest bidder. Fifty cents flat will do. Come to think of it—I’ve got fifty cents in my pocket,” I say, kissing her down the corridor. “I could pay someone to take him. ‘Perfectly good cat with a year’s worth of free cat food.’”
Obviously, I’m digging my own grave here. There’s no hot lovemaking when your girl’s laughing so hard she’s about to pee herself.
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Author Bio:
Between studies, teaching, and advising, Sunniva has spent her entire adult life in a college environment. Most of her novels are new adult romance geared toward smart, passionate readers with a love for eclectic language and engaging their brain as well as their heart while reading.
Born in the Land of the Midnight Sun, the author spent her early twenties making the world her playground. Southern Europe: Spain, Italy, Greece--Argentina: Buenos Aires, in particular. The United States finally kept her interest, and after half a decade in Los Angeles, she now lounges in the beautiful city of Savannah.
Sometimes, Sunniva writes with a paranormal twist (Shattering Halos, Stargazer, and Cat Love). At other times, it's contemporary (Pandora Wild Child, Leon's Way, Adrenaline Crush, Walking Heartbreak, and Dodging Trains, coming in late March 2016).
This author is the happiest when her characters let their emotions run off with them, shaping her stories in ways she never foresaw. She loves bad-boys and good-boys run amok, and like in real life, her goal is to keep the reader on her toes until the end of each story.


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Monday, March 28, 2016

Grit by JC Valentine *Reveal & Giveaway*

GRIT Reveal Banner
GRIT by: J.C. Valentine Spartan Riders #1 Publication Date: April 19, 2016 Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance, MC Romance
GRIT Cover

#PREORDER: B&N | iTunes

Synopsis: Gabby Morgan isn’t looking for love. Not even a little romance. Following a rocky past that she’d just as soon forget, she’s determined to focus on the future. One that most certainly doesn’t involve the tough-as-nails, short-on-words, hot-as-hell biker…or his kid. Blake Mahone may not be done with women, but he’s finished with relationships. Then Gabby Morgan enters the picture. She’s flawless, refined, and as his kid’s teacher, way out of his league. She acts like she hates him, but her eyes tell a different story. Before he knows it, Blake finds himself hot for teacher, and he’s more than ready to learn all her secrets. Now all he has to do is convince her to give him a shot…without getting them both killed in the process.
Grit Full Jacket Cover


“What are you doing?” she asked, her eyes wide on his. “Getting comfortable. Now, what did you want to talk about?” “We’re getting into this already?” “I like to have things out on the table. It makes moving forward a helluva lot easier. So do you want to start, or should I?” Well, with him looming over her like he was, she was disinclined to say much of anything really. Her stomach was twisting with so many nerves, she was lightheaded. The last time anyone had made her feel anything like it, she was in the tenth grade and facing down a yearlong crush. That was a tickle compared to what Blake made her feel. Taking her silence as answer, Blake jumped right in. “Okay, my reason for being here then.” He turned to face her, his jacket creaking as he stretched his arm across the back of the sofa. “I did some thinking, and I was wrong. I like having a woman in my bed more than a night. Hell, I like having a woman in my bed, period. And it’s been a while since that happened.” A thrill bubbled in her chest as Gabby took this in. “Are you saying you changed your mind?” “About you being in my bed? Absolutely.” “I don’t know what to say. What changed your mind?” A dark smile played about his lips and his hand came up to play with her hair. “That kiss. I haven’t gotten a single good night’s sleep since. It’s all I think about.” “Me too,” she confessed. “Good, then we’re in agreement?” “Ah…about what, exactly.” “About you being in my bed. Not every night of course. And when I say you’re in my bed, I mean my bed, Gabby, no one else’s. I don’t share.” “Of course not,” she said automatically, then frowned. “I haven’t even agreed to anything yet, and you’re talking like it’s a done deal.” Moving closer, Blake slipped his fingers into her hair, cupping the back of her head and demanding her undivided attention. “You’ve been thinking about me. About our kiss.” Her tongue dragged over her bottom lip in answer, and his gaze latched onto the movement. “I assume you want more?” She nodded, her answer coming in the form of a rapidly increasing heart rate and the inability to breathe without opening her mouth. Which only invited his delectable mouth closer. “Because I want more, and, Gabby?” “Hmmm?” He leaned in, his mouth hovering over hers. “I get what I want. Always.” An invitation to his bed and an excuse to touch and be touched by him any time she wanted? Who was she to argue? goodreads-badge-add-38px



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JC Valentine
J.C. Valentine is the USA Today and International bestselling author of the Night Calls and Wayward Fighters Series and the Forbidden Series. Her vivid imagination and love of words and romance had her penning her own romance stories from an early age, which, despite being poorly edited and written longhand, she forced friends and family members to read. No, she isn’t sorry. J.C. earned her own happily ever after when she married her high school sweetheart. Living in the Northwest, they have three amazing children and far too many pets and spend much of their free time together enjoying movies or the outdoors. Among the many hats she wears, J.C. is an entrepreneur. Having graduated with honors, she holds a Bachelor’s in English and when she isn’t writing, you can find her editing for fellow authors. Sign up for J.C.’s newsletter and never miss a thing!


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