We are so happy to be apart of this Author/Blog Spotlight tour for Book Boyfriend Reviews 2yr blogiversary. Yesterday we were spotlighted at Read-This Hear-That's blog, if you missed it the link is at the bottom of the post. Make sure you check that out. Today is day #8 and we are lucky to get to spotlight Author Erin Noelle as well as the Blog Holly's Red Hot Reviews.
Erin was chosen as a featured Author because, she has an amazing talent for bringing out the feels. She knows how to evoke many emotions from a reader. She pushes the boundaries in her writing. Never one to back down from a challenge she continues to write books that make you cringe, cry and laugh all in the span of a few pages. Her first series The Book Boyfriend Series, is one that will have you chanting for and wanting to slap all the characters. Erin is a USA Today's Best selling Author and we wish her much more success!
Click the link below to watch Erin's video and you can see how sweet and cute she is!

The blogger that is being spotlighted Check out her amazing blog, click the link under her logo. Don't forget to enter the giveaway!!
What made you want to be a blogger?
I started reading a lot more after my mom passed away in 2011 as my escape and started sharing what I was reading on Facebook. After meeting other bloggers and readers I decided to start my own blog; it made it easier for them to follow along with what I was reading.
What has been one of your most favorite books to review?
Karina Halle’s Love, in Spanish. I read Love, in English on the flight to Book Bash and gushed to her about how much I loved Mateo and Vera’s story. Like, LOVED LOVED it! She had ARC opportunities for Love, in Spanish in NYC in October and I think I may have promised her my first
born during my fan girling. I squealed and jumped when Mateo landed in my mailbox (it was a paperback ARC)
What was your number one book of 2014 and why? ßis this a trick question?
Ok, since it’s by the same author, this counts as one lol. Love, in English and Love, in Spanish (to be fair, LiS is a companion novel so it can totally count as one
book!!!) Mateo and Vera’s love story was angsty, and complicated as HELL and they couldn’t be more different, BUT they didn’t let their differences get in the way of how the other made them feel. Their love was deep and it was real.
No matter what BS came their way (and there was plenty) they never stopped loving each other. I could FEEL their
love for one another deep in my chest *sigh*
Who else do you have on the blog with you?
I blog solo
Do you post every day or every other day or certain times of the week?
I used to have posts scheduled every day but I found myself getting burnt out, feeling like I was constantly setting p posts. Now I’ve cut back to every few days and I’m trying to focus on posting more reviews.
What is your favorite genre?
You want readers to come to your blog so what do you do to separate it from other blogs?
I try to insert my personality into my posts whether it’s sarcasm, snark, or humor. IDK I just try to let my blog be a
reflection of me in real life.
What do you love about blogging?
I love finding the hidden gems of books. I love talking to other bloggers, readers, and authors about the books we all love and having people that get me and get my love for books.
What goals do you have for your blog this upcoming year?
I want to try and review more books than I did last year and just keep growing.
Where else on the interwebs you can find Holly...
Thank you Holly for letting us all get to know you better. Please be sure to check out her blog!
If you happened to miss yesterday or Wednesday's spotlights click below to see the featured author and blog. You still have time to enter those giveaways as well!!!
Click HERE for Day 7
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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