Sunday, May 13, 2018

Author Alan T. Black

A Change Has Come
In the quietness of a morning it began.   A day that by all accounts would be just the same as those before.  Nothing different, more of the same.
There was idle time waiting to be fulfilled between work assignments.  Surfing the internet?  After awhile it becomes passé. Playing games on my phone?  Never found that to be entertaining.  What then would be so unique about this particular day?
In the stillness of a moment there came a nudge. In effect it was a calling.  To write and to do so that very morning.  I was thinking well this is just a onetime thing.  Tomorrow everything will go back to normal.  But to my surprise my normal was being redefined and turned in a new direction.
Thus began a journey to becoming a writer.  A journey that found me many times wondering what was going on and as well why I was traveling a road unknown. 
Step by step, and day after day brought forth new experiences.  New revelations that daily continued to allow me to move forward in the goal of becoming a writer.  The plans of mice and men it has been said often go astray. What we have plans of quite often are not those of our destiny. What destiny requires more often than not is what is met.   Destiny’s plan was for me to become a writer.  Destiny’s plan was awaiting its precise moment when it would call upon me to answer and fulfill what awaited me. Destiny whose nudge and calling lead me to respond by virtue of action to declare “Here I am Lord.”

Alan T. Black is a newly published Christian author.  His first book “Here I Am Lord” is currently available on Amazon and online at Barnes and Noble. 

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