Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cover Reveal ~After The Rain by Renee Carlino

AFTER THE RAIN by Renee Carlino
Atria Books Paperback | 320 pages | ISBN: 9781476763996 | $15.00 | November 11, 2014
eBook | 320 pages | ISBN: 9781476764009 | $7.99 | November 11, 2014
From the USA TODAY bestselling author of Sweet Thing and Nowhere But Here comes a deeply emotional contemporary romance about the second chances waiting beyond the shattered dreams of youth.

Under the bright arena lights of a rodeo show, young Avelina Belo falls for a handsome cowboy with a larger-than-life personality. After a whirlwind courtship, she happily moves away from her family in northern California and settles into married life with her cowboy on a seven-thousand-acre cattle ranch in Montana. One freak accident later, Avelina’s hopes for the future come to an end.

Nate Myers graduated from UCLA medical school at the top of his class, ready to follow in the footsteps of his father, a superstar cardiothoracic surgeon. Six years later, Nate’s career is being ruined by a malpractice suit. Questioning himself for the first time, he retreats to a Montana cattle ranch to visit his uncle and gain perspective. There, he meets a beautiful young woman named Avelina who teaches him more than he ever knew about matters of the heart.
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About the author:
Renée Carlino lives in Southern California with her husband, two sons, and their sweet dog, June. When she's not at the beach with her boys or working on her next book, she likes to spend her time reading, going to concerts, and eating dark chocolate. To learn more, visit
Visit Renee online:

Strip Teaser by Ava Manello *Release Day Blitz & Giveaway*

Strip Teaser (Naked Night's #1)
By Ava Manello
Genre:  Erotic, Humour
Cover Designer: Margreet Asselbergs
When investigative reporter Sally Evans receives her latest assignment to uncover the naked truth, she gets more than she bargained for. Eight weeks on tour with the Naked Nights male stripper troupe to expose all their dirty secrets, is this serious reporter's worst nightmare. She'd rather a man keep his clothes on. For Sally, sex is only a consideration if it happens in the dark, not that she can remember the last time she had a reason to turn the lights off. With over-eager, over-sexed female fans in abundance and baby oil by the gallon, the guys are looking forward to some fun.... Sally's inhibitions are not.
Strip Teaser Playlist
Strip Teaser - Fan Trailer
Passionate reader, blogger, publisher, and author. I love nothing more than helping other Indie authors publish their books be that reviewing, beta reading, formatting or proofreading,  I love erotic suspense that's well written and engages the reader, and I love promoting the heck out of it over on my book blog.
I'm a mother, but most of all I'm me!

Stalk Ava Manello

Twitter: @avamanello

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Only One by Meg Collett

The Only One Cover-good res
The Only One
By Meg Collett
Available June 30, 2014
Paranormal Romance
In the final installment to the popular End of Days series, Heaven still belongs to a mad tyrant, and Michaela is losing her battle to save the dying world. But the tides are turning. With Gabriel’s fallen army, Michaela can finally start a war with the holy angels, which means she has to take care of the Watchers once and for all. What Michaela doesn’t realize is that her best friend has his own vengeful plan for the Watchers. Even amidst a war, Michaela and Gabriel bask in a sliver of happiness. With every touch and kiss, Michaela discovers a new home in Gabriel’s arms. Yet happiness is ever fleeting, and Michaela learns of a vision that foretells of the greatest sacrifice she’ll ever make for Heaven. But what is sacrifice in the face of tyranny and madness? It’s a lesson Michaela may not live long enough to fully understand.
The Only One (End of Days, #3)
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Someone pressed himself against Michaela’s back, his hands twining around her stomach. She felt his lips on her neck, his breath in her ear. He said something, but Michaela couldn’t hear. Clark cocked an eyebrow at her and moved away slightly to dance with a petite girl in a fox costume. Michaela twisted in the man’s arms so that they were face to face. He was tall and lanky and definitely human. The pupils of his eyes were huge, dilated far beyond normal, and Michaela smelled the musky hint of drugs seeping from his mouth. His hands roamed over her body, groping her ass. There was no room to get away; the bodies in the middle of the floor were pressed so close together. For a moment, panic flooded through Michaela’s veins. Sure she could knock this guy out with one hit, but she didn’t want to bring attention to herself. She looked around, realizing that everyone was experiencing the same sort of free will she was. She had no clue how the human girls dealt with this sort of invasion. In her distraction, she didn’t realize the man in front of her was about to kiss her until the second before his lips smashed into hers. Immediately, his tongue pressed into her mouth, forcing her lips to part. His tangy salvia pooled at the back of her throat and gagged her. His hand slid up her side to fist around her breast. In that appalling moment, Michaela realized two things. The first being that Gabriel, who was very new to the whole sex thing, was very, very good at the sex thing. And the second being…Gabriel. He stood in all his tall, dark glory behind the man sucking on Michaela’s tongue. Lifting his hand as if he was going to tap on the man’s shoulder and ask to cut in, Gabriel pressed a finger onto on the man’s shoulder, making him instantly sag to the floor. Gabriel pressed harder into the pressure point on the guy’s neck until he was nearly on the floor and completely disengaged from Michaela. It was quiet and efficient. Gabriel righted the man and set him aside before he made too much of a scene. In the mass of pulsing bodies and underneath the flashing storm of rainbow lights, it was unnoticeable. The man moved away, slightly stunned and confused, but without a backwards glance. Michaela shrugged sheepishly at Gabriel’s blank stare. Only because she was looking at his mouth was she able to read his lips as he spoke. “Don’t kiss anyone else.”  
About the Author
Meg Collett
Meg Collett lives deep in the hills of Tennessee where the the cell phone service is a blessing and the Internet is a myth of epic proportions. She is the mother of one giant horse named Elle and two dogs named Wylla and Mandy. Her husband is a saint for putting up with her ragtag life. End of Days is her first series.
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Purchase Her Other Books Today
THO Cover
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Surrender by Jennifer Burrows *Happy Release Day*

Here is the link to the release party

By Jennifer Burrows

Katherine Anderson was living a dream life. She came from an influential family, had a successful career as a food critic, and was about to marry the man of her dreams. Her life suddenly takes a change for the worse when she finds her fiancé in the arms of another woman. Her dream wedding now cancelled, she tries to find herself in Italy, on a trip she was supposed to be taking as the just married Mrs. Michael Gibbons.

Massimo "Tony" Bertalucci has had his life destroyed by a cartel known to be trafficking black market olive oil out of Italy and around the world. While the cartel thought the entire Bertalucci family was dead and buried, Tony remains very much alive and determined to find a way to get his life back.

When Tony and Katherine’s worlds collide, she is Tony’s only hope of escaping Italy alive. What Katherine doesn’t realize is that this charming, unassuming Italian man is using her to save his own life. Will she be able to get back to the states safely, or will she be subjected to the same fate as Tony's family? Will Tony find a way to stop running? Or will he have to surrender his life to the cartel?


Amazon buy link

                             ~~~AUTHOR BIO~~~~~
I was am a retired Registered Nurse. I am the author of A shot in the Dark and the Sequel Into the Light. I worked in the emergency department and critical care for over 15 years which provided me the experiences to write my books.

I am an avid reader and love to talk about the latest story I've read. I hope you will enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoyed writing them.

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Facebook page

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Bondage Club by Alexandrea Weis *Release Day & Giveaway*

A man looking for a new beginning

Hunter Donovan is a writer who dreamed of penning the great American novel but settled for a job running the family business, Donovan Books. Trapped publishing other people’s stories, Hunter buries his frustrations in vodka and an endless parade of one-night stands. 

A woman with a secret

Cary Anderson is the perky, petite, and staunchly determined editor who is well versed in erotica fiction. But Cary has a kinky side that she is struggling to keep hidden from the world.

Fed up with dwindling sales, Hunter hopes to breathe new life into his publishing house by breaking into the risqué world of erotica. He hires Cary to rescue his company and she is keen to show her new boss everything she knows. But what starts out as a lesson in sexual fiction turns into an unexpected roller coaster ride of disastrous romantic encounters. And just when Cary helps stir Hunter’s creative voice, he uncovers the truth about her wicked ways. 

Some ties that bind can cut right to the heart in…The Bondage Club.
Buy Now

 The veil of evening was reaching across his office window when Hunter’s cell phone on the side of his desk rang. Checking the caller ID, he frowned when he saw that the number was blocked.

      “This is Hunter Donovan,” he barked into the phone.

      “Do you always answer the phone in such a cheerful manner?” a seductive female voice reprimanded.

      “That depends on who this is.”

      “Cary told me of your little meeting today, and your interest in my next book. You don’t waste any time do you?”

      Hunter’s heart skipped a beat. “Well, well, Ms. Slut. Nice to hear your voice again. I hope your time at the Book Expo was worthwhile.”

      “You were the highlight of my trip, Mr. Donovan.”

      Hunter smiled as he sat back in his creaky desk chair. “I’m so glad. I was beginning to think you didn’t like me.”

      “Have you ever met a woman who didn’t like you?”
      The question made Hunter chuckle. “Which answer will get me your next book, Ms. Slut?”
      A high-pitched tinkling laugh came through the speaker of his iPhone, making Hunter’s stomach flutter ever so lightly. “I like a man who doesn’t waste time with sweet talk. Check your email. I just sent you the manuscript. It’s called The Bondage Club, and if you’re interested, e-mail me a contract, and I will look it over.”
      “Can I ask what it’s about? I mean, with a title like that I can guess, but….” His voice faded as his curiosity rose. 
      “There are many different kinds of bondage, Mr. Donovan, that don’t involve ropes, chains, or even handcuffs.”
      Hunter gaped at his cell phone. “I don’t get it.”
      “Love can be a form of bondage,” she explained. “We can get tied to someone just as easily as we can be tied up by someone. The book is about bondage in all of its forms.”
      “Then I look forward to reading it.” He paused as he thought of an idea. “But why not come to my office? We can discuss the details of the contract over lunch,” he pursued with a hint of insistence in his voice.
      “I don’t think so. Lunch with you would be dangerous.”
      Hunter coyly smiled. “For which one of us, Ms. Slut?”    
      “I’m not your type, Mr. Donovan.”
      Hunter’s body rippled with the hint of a challenge. “You never know; if Donovan Books handles your novel, we may grow on each other.”
      “I hope not. Getting involved with the man who publishes my book would complicate matters. I’m also a very demanding author. I might get on your nerves after a time.”
      “I have a lot of demanding authors. You would fit right in.”
      “Do you usually try and date your authors, or will I be the first?”
      He fingered a corner of the manuscript open on the desk before him as his imagination began to wander. “You would be the first. I never date clients.”
      “I heard a nasty little rumor to the contrary, about your brother and Monique Delome. They were engaged and then she up and married some Texas oil man. Lucky girl.”
      “Lucky to be rid of my brother,” Hunter returned, pushing the manuscript in front of him to the side.
      “Oh, do I detect a note of sibling rivalry, Mr. Donovan?”
      He leaned back in his chair and turned his eyes to his arched window. “Rivalry, nah. More like deep-seated hatred. And if I’m going to bare my soul to you, you should start calling me, Hunter.”
      “Let me guess, Hunter.” Her voice was throaty and delicious, spurring on his desire. “He stole your Legos when you were six and you have never forgiven him.”
      Hunter ran his hand over his face, feeling the conversation was getting a little too personal. “Never mind my brother. Let’s talk about you.” 
      “I make it a practice never to talk about myself. The less people know about me, the better.”
      “I don’t agree, Ms. Sl….” Hunter crinkled his brow. “What else can I call you? Ms. Slut is too—”
      “Call me Smuttie, if you like.”
      “Smuttie…don’t you have a real name?”
      “Smuttie is all you need to know.” The sound of voices in the background broke in. “Let me know what you think of my manuscript, Hunter. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.” Then the line went dead.


Alexandrea Weis is an advanced practice registered nurse who was born and raised in New Orleans. Having been brought up in the motion picture industry, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective and began writing at the age of eight. Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her award-winning novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story memorable. A permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Weis rescues orphaned and injured wildlife. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans.

Tie-In Novels:
(Each Novel is a Stand-Alone read)


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Lead *Stage Dive, #3* By Kylie Scott *Release Blitz*

Lead Kylie Scott BANNER
Title: Lead (Stage Dive, #3)
Author: Kylie Scott
Publication Date: July 29, 2014
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
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Stay up all night with the sexy rockers in Stage Dive, the epic rock star romance series from New York Times bestselling author Kylie Scott, author of Lick and Play. As the lead singer of Stage Dive, Jimmy is used to getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants it, whether it's booze, drugs, or women. However, when a PR disaster serves as a wake-up call about his life and lands him in rehab, he finds himself with Lena, a new assistant to keep him out of trouble.   Lena's not willing to take any crap from the sexy rocker and is determined to keep their relationship completely professional, despite their sizzling chemistry. But when Jimmy pushes her too far and Lena leaves, he realizes that he may just have lost the best thing that ever happened to him.  
“Lena, you seen my old black Led Zep shirt?” “Nope.” “You sure?” His brows became one dark cranky line. The scratches on his face were healing well, thank goodness. Though it didn’t reduce my desire to throttle his mother on a daily basis. “Yes. I haven’t seen it.” Can’t find it anywhere…” “And this is a surprise, how?” I slipped my hands into my back jean’s pockets. “Jimmy, you own more clothing than Cher, Brittney, and Elvis, put together. Things are bound to go missing.” “Sure you haven’t seen it?” “For goodness sake, what do you think, Jimmy? That I stole it to sleep in or something?” I laughed bitterly. Sure as hell, the truth deserved a good mocking. I’d sunk so despicably low. I hadn’t even meant to steal the stupid thing, but the shirt had been mixed up with my laundry a few days ago. It’d been the first top I laid my hand on after stepping out of the shower, ready to go to bed. Without thought, I’d put it on and it’d been so soft, the scent of him lingering beneath the laundry detergent. Every night since, I’d found myself in it come bedtime. My shame knew no limits. And no, I still hadn’t quit. The words still hadn’t come even close to leaving my mouth. He frowned. “No.” “That I have some deep secret longing to feel close to you resulting in my stealing your shirt like some creepy perv?” “Course I don’t fucking think that,” he replied crankily, reaching up to grip the top of the doorframe. All of his bulging muscles stretched the arms of his white T-shirt in the nicest way. It was all I could do not to start drooling, my heart beat taking up residence somewhere down between my thighs. And who could blame it? Not me. Maybe if I got laid, this would go away and things would return to normal. It’d seemed safer to avoid rubbing up against any men just in case I got carried away and started dating again. This new situation, however, changed everything. “Well, of course not! That would be crazy.” And wasn’t that the god’s honest truth? Cray-zeee. Lock me up and throw away the key because it wasn’t like I didn’t know better. “Just can’t figure out where the hell it could be.” Angels couldn’t have smiled as innocently. They might have tried, but they would have failed, the dirty-mouthed, winged, little liars. “Jimmy, I don’t know where it is. But I’ll look around for it later, okay?” “Yeah,” he said, and then added as an afterthought, “and stop looking at me weird.” “I’m not!”  
The Stage Dive series by Kylie Scott
Stage Dive Series
Lick (Stage Dive #1)
Play (Stage Dive #2)
Lead (Stage Dive, #3)
Coming January 6th, 2015
Deep (Stage Dive #4)
Pre - Order
About Kylie Scott
Kylie Scott
Kylie is a long time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet. 
Check out more of Kylie’s work
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Breaking A Bad Boy by Susan Arden *Promo Blitz & Giveaway*

BREAKING A BAD BOY (Book 6 Bad Boy Series)
by Susan Arden
Take one spunky tattoo artist, a hardcore badass cowboy, and watch the sparks ignite into a firestorm when one wants to get married and the other is holding out...for sex. One scorching kiss too many and Sommer Kincaid sets her sights on breaking Rory McLemore. She's been in love this bad boy since high school with his infuriating rule about NO SEX before marriage. Well that horrible rule is about to go down. All the way down. Especially after Rory gives Sommer a sizzling taste from his spank bank, and suddenly there is no stopping them from exploring each other...wherever and whenever, doing everything under the sun except actual penetration. Talk about frustrating! From holding out, Sommer is ready to give in. On the verge of saying 'yes' to his marriage proposal, Sommer is threatened with covering her dad's gambling debts. When she gets an offer she can't refuse out in L.A. and the means to make some serious cash, she heads for the coast rather than risk involving Rory in her rapidly imploding life. As these two hardheaded lovers are forced to the edge, their love is put to the test. Now it's up to Rory to stake his claim in Tinseltown and prove to Sommer, he's the ultimate bad boy and she's not going to end up as the girl that got away. WARNING: Filled with badass McLemore cowboys, spunky bad girls, a few variations of hardcore rocker Romeos. Be advised~Breaking gives a new definition for hot-off-the-charts romance. breaking a bad boy teaser3breaking a bad boy teaser1
~About the Author~
Time to come clean about Susan Arden. This is a team effort between a husband and a wife. One was a teacher, now turned into writer, and just got into cover and interior book design which is a whole other fascinating world. The other is a business owner of a successful environment remediation company. Two heads are better than one when it comes to writing fiction. Susan Arden is just one of the pen names of this pair. Romance, YA fiction, and soon suspense fiction. Check out the Susan Arden team's blog to keep up this sweet & spicy romance world. Stay in touch.      
Connect with Susan
Website: Amazon Author: Facebook: Twitter: @romancebysusan Goodreads: Tumblr: Pinterest: Stop by Susan's website for a monthly giveaway. For July Rafflecopter~~$50.00 Victoria Secret’s OR PayPal Cash Giveaway now going on.
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